Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The soft tender moments our hearts feel from the prescence of children

"Pokemon goes to work"...

While reaching for my phone I opened my purse to find this little guy tucked in there.

My son's spirit wraps itself around me in subtle ways. I want to share them with you and hope to capture the moments in which I find rubber snakes in my briefcase, dinosaurs in my tub and a marble in my shoe. Please share yours with me as well!


  1. Last night as my husband & I crawled into bed we discovered tucked between our pillows - a little blanket with tiny ducks wrapped in it. Loved it!

  2. I brought my laptop bag in the house and was working on my laptop one night. When I went to put my laptop back in the bag I found Jacqueline's doggy and a blanket over it. Almost made me cry. If I ould figure out how to post a photo I would!
